Especially when you consider the number of folks (such as myself) that are reasonably happy with the feature set as it is.
Yup. About the only thing I really want that I don't have is the ability to play drm files, and that isn't going to happen.

As far as a solution to the "I want more software" problem, I suppose you could always try to drum up enough money to hire some programmers to create new, totally open source code for the empeg. I don't know what the guys would say to that, but I'm guessing it'd cost a LOT more than 50K. Besides, in the end it'd problably end up being a lot of work to get just a little bit more than we already have, and there's no guarantee that the new software would do a good job of implementing the features we already have.

I think we just have to suck up the limitations of the current solution and be happy. And I am happy when I think that the sfotware I'm running (2.0) still kicks the tail of any other mp3 player out there.

You know, at some point someone IS going to come out with a better way than the empeg for listening to digital audio in your car, especially with the exporuse iPods have been getting recently in the media.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.