Ooh, another Memento? The sheer elegance of Memento's creation makes it my favorite movie by a long long shot
Memento is great, at least in my top ten, if not five. I don't know if I'd go as far as "another Memento", but it shares some characteristics. Memento is a bit more "elegant" (since you used the world) and is a bit more accessable. I don't want to give anything away, but it has a sci-fi premise that involves suspension of belief (though there is some real science involved), but it's definitely about the characters and how they are affected more than the thing itself.

What it has in common with Memento is the need for repeat viewings to get the whole story (though with Memento I got the basics the first time and with Primer I know it's going to take repeate viewings to even get the whole story figured out), and the general feeling of things getting more out of control as the story progresses. But where Memento leaves you going "hmmm, let me think about this some more," Primer leaves you with "what happened in the last 30 minutes of that movie?" I think part of this is by design, and part is due to its limited budget.

But how is it not “wife friendly”, because that means it’s probably not “me friendly”.
I should have said "my wife" friendly: she doesn't like "heady" movies. Anything that leaves you confused at the end of the movie will just frustrate her. There is no blood, not sex, and just a little VERY tame language.

Oh, and the mention of math and independant films in the same post brings to mind "Pi"; another interesting one to see.
Haven't see Pi, but a lot of the reviews I've read of primer bill it as "Pi meets Memento", so I'm interested in watching Pi now.

If you want more information about the movie, check out the website.

But really, this is the kind of art I like supporting anyway. Even if you throw away the story and everything else about it, it's just neet to see someone make a movie like this on sheer ambition.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.