This thing looks pretty good, but I agree there's a big lack of info. At the very least, when empeg was small they had actual
information (

) on their site, not some dumb-ass "experience" flash animation that does nothing but show an animated convertible driving though different locales. How stupid are the people running this company? When I saw the "experience" button I thought "great, it's a crappy flash site, but at least I'll get one of those virtual product tours." No dice.
I also have a question about the specs on the
purchase page. It says "Capacities: 2GB*, 20GB (CDDB preinstalled)." What does that mean? Specifically, what's the "2GB*"
And Biff, you could try emailing the support address on Estone's website (
[email protected]).
Anyway, while nothing is going to match the empeg in terms of quality and software, I agree that if anything could replace my empeg, this wouldn't be bad. I think one of the other important points to note is that it has a built-in amp, which I think was a big turn-off for a lot of geeks. I agree with you Brad, but I still think that the empeg was in a tough position. The car audiophiles didn't get the whole computer aspect, and the computer geeks refused to pay $1500 or more for a car stereo once you factored in the cost of an external amp and the installation.
Anyway, once the product picks up, we'll have to see what people say about it. Biff, what's your opinion on the quality of the device? Does it feel solidly built, or does it seem like cheaper plastic? If I bought something for that price, and the shiny "metal" finish started scraping off the knobs, I'd be pissed.
Lastly, I think there's one thing that's agreed, no product can ever create a following that could replace the empeg boards.