AFAIK, there is no way to get it to prefer the HD channels other then setting up a season pass on an HD channel or using HD as a criteria in a wishlist.

It wouldn't necessarily be desirable to prefer the HD channel in all cases. Much of what is on HD channels is upconverted SD so it just wastes space.

My two complaints about the HDTiVo are the slow menus and lack of native output mode. But the lack of native output is made much less objectionable by having the resolutions available with one button press instead of buried in the menus or an impossible to find little hardware switch on the back (like my Samsung HD receiver).

But, overall, it's a fanstastic product. I give TiVo a lot of credit for not skimping on the specs. I was really surprised when it was announced that it would have 2 satellite and 2 OTA tuners. They could have gotten away with one of each.

I've been waiting for this device since the day in 1999 when I got a bonus from work and I went to Best Buy and blew it on a first gen TiVo and an HD receiver. I considered the TiVo interesting but it was the HD receiver I was really excited about. It only took a couple of days before I was hooked on the TiVo and hardly ever used the HD receiver because, well, it wasn't a TiVo.

Edited by Dylan (07/12/2004 21:20)