Well, what do you think the churn rate is for Tivo? I just signed up a year ago and wouldn't dream of cancelling unless someone comes out with something superior. As far as I can tell, no one has. So, just because they may lose some new customers does NOT doom the Tivo to failure. They're obviously doing just fine with the subscriber base they currently have. And I don't see it shrinking.

I'm sure you're right that the churn rate ia very low. Everyone who owns one loves it. The problem is that they aren't doing fine with their current subscriber base. They are hemorrhaging cash and how many times can they go back to the well asking for more? They already IPO'd and their stock isn't strong enough to float more shares. So they need private capital and their business plan doesn't look very promising right now. I hope desperately they pull through but it's not looking good. Obviously, I'm not privy to their internal plans so maybe they've got a viable plan to succeed that isn't just hoping someone buys them out for the brand.