but why when I delete anything and then sync with the new emplode does what I've deleted move into Unattached Items?

I just tried this and couldn't reproduce your reported behavior. Hmm....

if I delete a playlist which contains a playlist which contains tracks, the playlist moves to Unattached Items. If I delete the playlist from Unattached Items, the tracks which were in it now appear there.

Hmm, I don't know if this is new behavior or if was already like that in 1.01. Is it possible that this is the first time you did things that way?

Just as a refresher, all items in emplode (whether they are playlists or songs) are just links to files on the hard disk. Only when the last link to a given file is deleted, does the file itself get deleted.

When you have links nested within links, I don't know how emplode is supposed to behave when you delete a parent link. I also don't know what behavior I'd prefer in that situation: Do I want it to recursively delete the tree, or do I want to save the sub-links just in case? I know that if the tree contained a link to a playlist that was stored elsewhere, I wouldn't want it to be deleted.

There is also the possibility that you're seeing the results of some kind of a malfunction related to your first complaint.

Mike, did that behavior change in this release?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris