I've got emplode open now and it just happened to me. There is still a playlist left in "unattached items". The last time I had the problem that was also the case. After I deleted the playlist and synchronize, the songs were still present.
If someone wants to see it you can click here for screenshots.
The sequence was :
1) delete 2 playlist with 1 playlist in it with songs in it
2) delete 1 playlist with songs in it
3) synchronize
4) 1 playlist with songs in it appears in "unattached items" together with some loose songs
5) delete that playlist and songs
6) synchronize
7) loose songs from the previous playlist reappear in "unattached items"
8) delete them
9) synchronize
All done
BTW my "unattached items" is renamed to "empty" and i'm still using 1.01

Frank van Gestel

Edited by fvgestel on 09/01/01 09:40 PM.

Frank van Gestel