Tom, your points are pretty much on the money (except the sub-title part*

). This system is not intended to be the next big thing in the living room. It wasn't intended for the living room at all. If it had been, the requests would have been different for the support and hardware we supplied. The chip in it cannot do analog component output, even with an adapter. But anyone familiar with the product line knows there are other chips that would fit the form-factor and power requirements that can. Just wouldn't fit the same price. Everyone also knows Apple has digital audio output on other computers as well as higher-speed ethernet (which would be a good idea for moving HD content around).
I'm not saying that a revision won't make these things happen, nor that software isn't around the corner, but all this would be based on all the interest in the current machine and lateral thinking. It wasn't conceived to fullfil that need and it's not being marketed that way (yet).
As far as I've heard, this was actually a project that had the support of only *some* people at Apple, and actually lacked that of Mr. Jobs himself. Look how much time he gave the system during the keynote. Look how the iPod Shuffle commands the vast majority of front-page time at the website.
*you can compress the video without affecting the subtitles.