I'm looking for a new cell phone. I've currently got an old Nokia TDMA one - it was AT&T once upon a time. It's been a very good phone, but Cingular seems to be converting the TDMA cells to GSM - or at least I'm getting more "all circuits busy" than I used to.
My basic requirements are a good phone (probably quad band GSM, though I'm not entirely wedded to it - I don't travel overseas that much), imap email, limited web. I'd like to be able to do a secure connection back to the office, too, to run VNC or some such. I'm open to the idea of a good bluetooth phone for DUN, and a separate, more feature rich PDA (I've lusted for a clamshell zaurus, for instance, but I'm not sure I'd carry it around).
I've found three that seem to fall into this category:
Treo 650 is probably my first choice. But from reading about it, it seems to have a stability issue. Lots of potential apps to add, though, and qwerty.
Mororola V3 Razor which has a cool form factor, 100 meter bluetooth, but no internal expansion. It would require a separate PDA for anything interesting.
Motorola MPx220 which is a Windows Mobile phone, which makes me cringe, but does seem to have some apps available.

The Treo and MPx220 both have SD expansion slots. The Razor would make be a nice carry around phone, if I could get it to work with a PDA, and carried the PDA enough to be useful.
Does anyone have any comments on any of these phones? Constructive or not.

Or should I be looking at any other phones?