I've just bought a 3220 from the Orange Shop (online) it was £50 on PAYG which I think is a good deal - it's £100 from other PAYG networks at the moment. Also I only got a 3510i from them £25 a few weeks ago - I unlocked that and gave it to my dad for use with his O2 PAYG SIM.

The main reason is battery life - I don't use them that much and my old 7110 lasted under a week, the 3510i and 3220 last much much longer.

The phone itself is excellent - it's basically the 6230 without the radio, bluetooth, IR and card reader but with niftly flashing/pulsing/colour changing lights and a customisable cover. The screen is very clear and bright, the camera mediocre but welcome. The ringtones have a special MIDI track which controls the flashing lights - not the sort of thing I would use to pick up chicks but really neat.


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