I dunno about these electronic BAC deals. For one thing, I can imagine that one of their primary uses, despite warning labels to the contrary, is so people can go out, have a few, and then check to see if they're "legal" in terms of BAC. IMHO, if you need the assistance of an electronic device to tell you if you're good to drive, then you're not good to drive. The other thing is, part of the fun of tying one on is the idea of not knowing how intoximicated you really are. The last thing I'm interested in doing when I'm drinking is finding out how drunk I am ("Honestly, ossifer, I'm not as think as you drunk I am.")

Actually, I've seen a *public* electronic BAC meter (complete with disposable mouthpiece thingies) outside a pizza shop near my college campus. Other than petty bragging about who's the most inebreated, I don't get the point.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff