According to this page:

the half wavelength length is 63 centimeters

Are you saying that there is nothing to be gained in increasing the length of the damp peice of string beyond this ?

Assuming that extending the aerial is a non-starter then I guess a proper in-car DAB antenna is the solution. There are various different types available, here are two that don't require you to drill a whole in the car body:

They all share one thing, a length of coax that needs to be connected somewhere. I know one side of the coax goes to where the damp peice of string is wired, but where would I wire the earth to ? Do I need to find some where in the tuner to wire it, or eath it to the car body ?

Is this likely to work, or am I going to be foiled by impedance matching issues (a quick flash back to an antenna lecture during my failed EEE degree).
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday