And indeed, I vaguely remember that from my Royal Signals training, but when you threw your aerial in to a tree, you were just glad it didn't come back and clonk you on the head, 1/2 wave and 1/4 wave didn't occur to you.

Heh, wasted 7.5 months in basic and with a the staff company of a armo(u)r/haubits battallion... but the antennas used were all truck mounted and automatic.

And I bet none of you lot know the correct knotting procedure for joining a field telephone cable!

Dunno if there's an international standard for it, but I do know what the Swedish army considers the proper way... with or without the crimp tool (and a bunch of other useless things like how often to tie off the wire when laying it on ground, running it in in the air, considerations/procedures for crossing a road etc) Rolled out and collected way to much of that stuff