..I too have witnessed incidents that have made me cringe. One recently which involved a..

This isn't really the place to be dragging things through the mud again for the 100th time. In fact, if it wasn't for the thread you're talking about, and the length to which it got out of hand, I wouldn't have seen the need to write my original post.

There are old arguments I've had with my wife where I still think "she has it wrong" but I've let the matter die because not only are we unlikely to agree even now, but the matter is insignificant because my love for her out weighs the importance I give to the topic we disagree about. Same here. I might still feel the same way I did in some of those political threads, but my overall feelings for the members here and the BBS in general convinced me to "just drop it". There was no need to be "on the record" for the millionth time about how I felt or viewed something.
Brad B.