But without you volunteering more info.. fix it yourself.

This sentence, to me, indicates that Mark is willing to help if the original poster gives more info. Am I wrong? Actually, I am! Let's look at the first part of that exact post.

You really ought to be more forthcoming with information.

Even just telling us that the "no_memory error" text was surrounded by a box outline would have told volumes here.

If you want help, you've gotta provide info!!

Now, in this case, the "no_memory" message is courtesy of Hijack, telling us that the software on your machine has run out of memory. This means it probably boots up fine and gets to the point where it is playing music, or about to play music. Then it dies. Most likely due to a corrupt MP3 file or corrupt playlist.

That's called help people!

I think I've been to every meet Mark has attended, so maybe I know his personality better than most people here. But, if he said that last part to someone in person, it wouldn't have left the room in stunned silence. It's a jab, but it's not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. MRB, the original poster, may have taken it the wrong way, but that's between him and Mark. I was reading that thread initially as each post was made, and I didn't feel like Mark was out of line. Some people are blowing that "do it yourself" comment way out of proportion.
-Rob Riccardelli
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