I get a wee bit of transmission shunt, which will be interesting next month as I'm sitting my Advanced Motorist test in it - in practices I always need to make sure I'm in one gear too high, to keep the turbo spun down...and this is before the upgrade.

As far as the clutch goes, every 3 months or so I give it a good grind by pulling away at about 6000rpm with the clutch slipping - it helps with that slight "bitiness" that creeps into Scoob clutches.

Where I stay, there are a huge number of Max Power type Clios, Saxos etc and to be fair, they probably can get me off the lights (there is one guy with a supercharged 206 here which is styooooooooopidly fast to 60) so I usually don't bother with going up against them.

On the open road, however, I have some slight suspension mods which make corners amazing, so under those conditions it is only Lotuses, 7's and the odd MX5 that are anywhere close (even 911's seem to take it easy up here, reckon they don't like corners with bumps )

Power-wise, I'm never bored with it - I love acceleration, in any direction. Top speed is less important to me (I have 3 points on my licence) than being able to corner, brake and accelerate fast.

All good fun!
MkIIa, blue lit buttons, memory upgrade, 1Tb in Subaru Forester STi
MkII, 240Gb in Mark Lord dock
MkII, 80Gb SSD in dock