Gee I always like it when I ask a question and someone Tears me a New A-hole for no good reason, thank you.
This is a new laptop and doesn't have a spell checker installed yet and as I have said before I have Dyslexia,I am not stupid or retarded in fact other then grammer I was in the top 5% of my State on the SAT's and my IQ is Well above normal, what you see as poor grammer looks perfectly fine to me, (see below)
Yes I do want hard data I am
Frequency responce (would be a great starting point) I find it had to beleive that will all the people here that built the empeg in the first place no one knows. (makes me think they are hiding something, but I digress)
Sure right now there are very few Audio cd's/DVD's in 5.1 but that could change, I just picked up Hotel Califorina in 5.1 Audio DVD its nice. and a lot of classical music is on audio DVD's now.

I don't need any support on a home built car computer I can fix it my self something I can't do with the Empeg.
I have never had bad luck with Pioneer or Alpine honoring their warrentees and you can even get an extended one.
Sure if it breaks you can buy a new Empeg but for how long, I think atleast 50 or so have been reported broken or stolen and all good things must come to an end there are only what 4000 of them in the world.
Let me ask you this, would you spend 400 bucks to upgrade a 5 year old computer? and that is what I am about to do, spend over 400 bucks to upgrade my empeg knowing full well it won't increase the value at all, and when a new face comes out that will be 200 more easy. so I think I have a good reason to pose the question.
(Buttons, new encoder, Led kit and memory upgrade plus a DEQ so I can get the cross over its missing and a sub out)
I am sorry I ofended the grammer Police but my questions still stand poor grammer and all, and seeing your name is red if you find me so offensive I am sure you can just remove my access and I won't bother you anymore.

Dyslexia is a chronic reading problem that affects an estimated 10 million Americans. It is a very common learning difficulty, affecting a large percentage of those labeled "learning disabled." People with dyslexia may have trouble with reading, writing, spelling, math, and sometimes, music. Three times as many boys as girls have dyslexia.
Most people think dyslexia is a condition that involves reading from right to left and reversing words and letters. While some people with dyslexia do have these problems, they are not the most common or most important characteristics of dyslexia. Experts say dyslexia has little to do with recognizing the visual form of words; rather, the brains of people with dyslexia are wired differently, making it difficult for them to break the letters of written words into the distinct sounds (or phonemes) of their language, a capability called phonologic awareness.
Dyslexia can occur at any level of intellectual ability. Sometimes children with dyslexia appear to their teachers and parents to lack motivation or not to be trying hard enough. Dyslexia may be accompanied by -- but is not a result of -- lack of motivation, emotional or behavioral problems, and sensory impairment.
A more positive view of dyslexia describes people with dyslexia as visual, multidimensional thinkers who are intuitive, highly creative, and excel at hands-on learning. Many dyslexic people shine in the arts, creativity, design, computing, and lateral thinking, and their ranks include Albert Einstein, one of the world's best-known physicists.
What Are the Symptoms?
People with dyslexia may have problems in several of the following areas that interfere with their ability to learn:
Learning Style: May be early or late in crawling, walking or talking; appears bright but doesn't read, write, or spell at grade level; may be seen as not trying hard enough; may not perform well on tests despite a high IQ.
Motor Skills: Has poor handwriting or trouble writing or copying; has poor coordination; does not do well at team sports; has difficulty with motor-oriented tasks; is prone to motion sickness; may be ambidextrous; confuses left and right, and over and under; learns best through hands-on experiences.
Language and Reading Skills: Gets dizzy, headache, or stomachache when reading; doesn't read for pleasure; shows transpositions, additions, substitutions, or reversals in letters, numbers, and words when reading or writing; spells phonetically and inconsistently; has difficulty putting thoughts into words; may stutter.
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