Your configurations and prices are all different - the solutions serve very different needs.

Time for some schooling.

What do you need the external EQ for in the empeg install? You think you're going to improve the sound with it? Not likely. Remove that wasteful component and you have some instant savings. If your system doesn't sound right then you've messed up the install or those Kappas aren't as good as the chavs and skids who buy them think they are.

The Pioneer looks like some dead-end ultra-low-end piece of crap. One single disc? Ha. you have to swap between map disc and music disc or DVD. That's lame and that's why it's under $2000. Seriously, you're going to buy something from a company that uses Scions for displays?

The Alpine IVA-D900 is a discontinued model. New it was about $2000, but I don't know how much it can be had for now. It does not include NAV. It has a NAV input, but GPS and dedicated NAV DVD-drive must be purchased seperately. Even with the base unit, you have to install components in your dash AND under one of the seats. Add NAV and that's yet another box and more wires to install.

"WE" are supposed to know... Well, here's what I know. I consider Pioneer and Alpine mass-market low-end crap as far as audio goes. But maybe you'll be happy with them seeing as you also went for Infinity products.

None of the solutions except the empeg and the Carputer will play MP3s once installed (without adding even more hardware). For the Alpine or Pioneer you'll have to add an iPod - unless you want to listen to CDs. And if you want to listen to CDs then you shouldn't be considering the empeg nor carputer at all.

The order of (official/unofficial/third-party) support and sustainability go like this:

Alpine/Pioneer (distant third)

The carputer is likely easier to fix yourself but I'm sure you'll be disappointed at the tweaking you have to do and at the software some people put out for it (it's mostly really bad). You might also not enjoy the hoops you'll have to jump through to get acceptable SQ. Forget about this nonsense about in-car noise. Good SQ is good SQ. Bad SQ just gets amplified by road noise, not masked. Not to mention that you'll also need to shell out significant $$ for a good-looking install.

My suggestion is to get some Alpine model and then get yourself an iPod. Then you'll have the low-end mass-market poser head unit you've been lusting after for ages, you'll have MP3's on a respectable hard drive and... You can probably stop asking these questions for at least another three months (until something crawls up your butt again and you get that "let's change everything" itch.)

I can't stand people not doing their own research when all the info is right in front of them. But someone asking the same thing... Over and over and over burns me the most. Use empirical testing - try everything for yourself and judge.


The typos are for Bitt.
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software