I am surprised that you are prepared to sell. Are you selling on the basis of my response to you the other day regarding costs? If so, why? The total cost of your repairs is unlikely to be more than about E60-100 (about 60 quid max) including UK postage, unless your dim display is a knackered VFD in which case you are in trouble. A "dim display" could be any one of about 4 conditions, not necessarily just a blown fuse - hence my comment, I have no idea what it is until I check it out. Since you have not provided an explicit description other than "it's a bit dim", that leaves a lot open!
I hope you will re-consider as there is no other functional equivalent available, and any new in-car solution is going to be more than what you can realise in the sale of this device. Additionally, we would be losing (yet) another BBS community member, something we can ill afford!
Contact me on
[email protected] if you wish to discuss things in more detail.