Hi all,

Thanks for the information and comments.

I was just doing some investigation really into what my options were and had considered cutting my losses. That said resale values have dropped conserably recently and the empeg is definately worth more to me than any potential financial gain at this point.

So for now i'm sticking around

For the car I was considering an Ipod solution as i already have a compatiible head unit that can control the ipod through an interface. Not as good at the empeg but i do less miles now and have an MP3 CD player which serves me fine for short drives.

I use the empeg more at home really and for that it has been really useful both straight into my hifi and as a networked server to my computer(s),

I've kind of reached a cross roads in that empeg needs expanding by another 50gb. The faults occuring with it made me waver for a while

Rob, I will contact you after the meet, when you are less busy and then presumably I need to queue with the others to get a repair done ?

Many thanks again to everyone.

Edit : and the wife thinks it's a good idea to get it repaired too, so decision made.

Edited by LTJBukem (27/06/2005 20:56)