3 days!!!

Here's the last posting of our current list. As always, please send additions/deletions to me quickly!

Beautiful day here in Northern Cal. Hope it lasts!

Jon Bauer (jbauer) (CA)
Tony Fabris (tfabris) (CA)
Loren Cox (loren) (CA)
Kelly (Loren Cox's girlfriend) (CA)
Scott (Loren Cox's installer friend) (CA)
Borislav Deianov (borislav) (CA)
Rob Voisey (rob) (empeg operations manager kahuna) (UK)
Hugo Fiennes (altman) (empeg founder, techie baby bell) (UK)
Claire (hugo's girlfriend) (UK)
Derek Balling (dredd) (CA)
Dan Wallach (dwallach) (TX)
Mike Comb (mcomb) (CA)
Eric Brown (esb) (CA)
Doug (Kevin Hester's friend) (CA)
Sean (drguz) (CA)
Ryan Hoagland (hoagy) (CA)
Brian Mihulka (bmihulka) (NE)
Calvin (eternalsun) (CA)
Aleksandr Milewski (n6mod) (CA)
Tim Esau (Rio Car product marketing) (WA)
Jon Agee (Rio marketing communications manager) (WA)
Andy Wolfe (CTO SonicBlue) (WA)
Glenn Beer (gbeer) (CA)
Donato Sinicco (ricin) (CA)
Donato's friend (CA)
Rob Vreeland (CruzThs) (CA)
CruzThs friend (CA)
bam (?)
Clarke Ferber (AZ)
Carl Aydelotte (TX)
Andy Brenner (CA)
Michael Grant (CA)
David Black (CA)
Geoff White (CA)
Steve Scherf (CA)
Mimi + Kimiko (Steve Scherf's wife and larva) (CA)
David Trounce (dtrounce) (CA)
John Lambon (UK)
Didier Malenfant (dids) (CA)
Ernest Pressley (ernestp) (CA)
Hussein Kanji (Hussein) (CA)
Malou Carreon (CA)
Tom Cramer (Drakino) (CO)
Josh (drakino's friend) (CA)
Ben Miller (CA)
Ben Miller's friend (CA)

Bruce Busby (Sonic Blue m&a dude) maybe (WA)
David Trounce (dtrounce) maybe (CA)
Michael Lohmeyer (drakoz) maybe (?)
Rex Oah (rex_oah) maybe (?)
Mike Higuera (MRHJr) maybe (?)
Alex Diaz maybe (CA)
Alan H. maybe (OH)

46 "yes's"
7 "maybe's"

- Jon