Wow- I didn't ever pick up on that theme from the original movie- I thought the lesson was: "Don't be a snotty brat"

Yes, that theme was common between both the 70's movie and the Burton movie. And that was, of course, true to the book.

But if you'll recall, in the 70's film, the reason Wonka finally offered Charlie the factory wasn't because he'd merely survived until the end of the tour. It was because he handed back the prototype gobstopper. Remember, Gene wilder did that great scene at the end where he was completely manic and angry at Charlie and Grandpa Joe, screaming at them about how they broke the contract they signed? And then Charlie quietly hands him the gobstopper, and everything changes?

Anyway, the Burton film has none of that. There's some exposition about past spying on Wonka's recipies, but it's not a central theme like it was in the 70's film. And there's no Slugworth. When I saw Christopher Lee's name in the opening credits, I thought he would be Slugworth, but he plays a totally different role.
Tony Fabris