Just in case anyone missed it (I did), TiVo is now officially supporting their service in Canada. With the latest software updates you can supply a Canadian postal code and pick from Canadian lineups for data.

Neither TiVo nor any of its partners are distributing TiVo boxes in Canada yet though. You have to buy the box in or from the US.

This makes me happy, but I'm still not going to buy a standalone. I think tghe price with lifetime subscription is a good deal, but I can't see the usefulness of dropping down to a single tuner. I'm using two tuners with my SageTV box right now and feel I might need a third.

The other thing that has me worried (about TiVo) is the new feature they've added which allows copyright owners to control their intellectual property on your device. They can choose to flag something for deletion that you've had saved for months, put time-limit restrictions on how long you can keep a recorded program as well as prevent you from recording specific programming.

This all may be a little too little, too late. Now if only DirecTV were available in Canada (screw CanCon regulations).

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