By the way, I have virtually no experience with Al-Jazeera. I'm not defending them, really. They well may be harboring terrorists, though I doubt it. I just have never seen any evidence that they're anything other than a (perhaps overly) nationalistic news source. And your implied accusation seemed to have no founding.

There's also a well-received documentary called "Control Room" about Al-Jazeera. I don't know that much about it, either, but I do get the impression that it wasn't found to be a terrorist organization and that it's more of an actual documentary than, say, "Fahrenheit 9/11". (Which, no matter which side of the issue you're on, is not a documentary based solely on the fact that it's obviously a point of view that found facts and other points of view to support it, while ignoring other facts and points of view.)
Bitt Faulk