But regardless, it's interesting that the CRTC saw Fox News as a thread and saw no problem with Al-Jazeera. For the record, I don't think any stations in Canada actually carry Al-Jazeera yet. The CRTC, last I read, was going to let stations carry it, but put various restrictions on it..

Uh, you just contradicted yourself there. With the CRTC restrictions, AJ presents much less of a threat to our country than FOX et al. But since we already (presumably: I don't actually have cable TV to verify) had ABC, NBC, CBS, and others, FOX probably wasn't a big leap beyond those.

The USA doesn't worry so much about other countries' channels, simply because there are no other nations close enough to the USA for it to be an issue. Except for some Mexican channels (minor), and some Canadian networks (CTV, CBC, and "Global"). Hardly enough to overwhelm USA-ian "culture".
