Uh, you just contradicted yourself there. With the CRTC restrictions, AJ presents much less of a threat to our country than FOX et al. ...

I don't see a contradiction. An anti-West, terrorist sympathizing bullhorn poses more dangers, IMO, than a news channel accused of being "too pro-America, too pro-Bush". If both are a threat, then one threatens to appear in your program guide and annoy you with Bill O'Reilly and one threatens to motivate people living within your borders to bomb a subway ala London. Even if AJ poses a 0.05% threat, that 0.05% is more of a tangible threat in my opinion. You can simply block OReilly from your channel list.

The USA doesn't worry so much about other countries' channels, simply because there are no other nations close enough to the USA for it to be an issue.

I thought that the enlightened that walk among us watch CBC, CNN International and BBC so they don't limit themselves to just the US view of the world? Regardless, our government doesn't tell us what news we can be exposed to. I know it's unique because of the community I live in, but a lot of the Arabic channels here show programming that isn't kind to the US, but there are no laws against it. Further, proximity of national boundries doesn't appear to be a factor in what programming Europeans can get.

Hardly enough to overwhelm USA-ian "culture".

I know that's the intent, but people in Canada want access to information, entertainment and "culture" and they are being told no. Unfortunately, some people are beginning to think that Canadian culture is defined by "not being the United States." While that may define Canadian politics, I would think with the rich history, arts and culture that Canada has, it's not in any danger from Fox News.

It looks like I might be outnumbered on this one though. In the news yesterday, China is further restricting access to international news as well.

Now, if we could just get the CBC to be an influence to Fox hockey coverage!
Brad B.