I think he's the software developer for Duke Nukem Forever.
OK, THAT was really, really funny! 
More on topic, I don't see how this episode was any more confusing than anything else we've seen. I do agree that it's going to be a bummer watching these having to wait for more episodes. We just finished the DVD set last night and managed to catch the re-broadcast of the premire tonight. The DVR is now set and ready for the rest of the season.
Regarding Lost vs. Alias, I think Lost is a better show because it seems better thought out. On the DVD set they talk about the first 6 years or so being planned out already, though clearly a lot of the the interpersonal stuff is being written as they go. If Alias was thought out before hand, it certainly doesn't show. Don't get me wrong, Alias is fun (we've only seen through season 3), but it seems to be kind of seat-of-the-pants writing, were Lost is just one solid, consistent story. In my mind, none of the 1st season episodes stand out as being better or worse than others. It just seems to be a high quality drama that tells an interesting story about people and a mysterious island.
Well, gotta go and catch ep. 2!
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.