Well, the other thing being that the satellite circles the globe every 108 minutes. You can see how people might link THAT aspect to the show. I've even read theories that the computer is communicating with the satellite and that's why they have to push the button (which doesn't hold up if you think about it too long). More than anything, I think it's amazing how much stuff people are coming up with surrounding this show, some intentional and some way out there.

I'm still not convinced that backward recording is real. I have the episode on my PVR, but I don't have the patience to extract the audio and reverse it to verify. Has anyone (credible) verified this already?
It's on a TON of sites, most arguing over which intepretation is correct. Really, though, it gives nothing away. I think they're just playing around with us.

I have no reason to doubt the audio clip is real- backwards masking is something people love to do just to have fun with viewers. Makes me think of the last level of Doom II.

Edited by JeffS (14/10/2005 01:53)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.