In my testing a regular SIGTERM would terminate that thread, but neither SIGTERM or SIGKILL would kill all threads belonging to md-daapd. That is probably a bug, not sure if it is one I introduced or if it was already there. Never had a chance to look into it farther, but that is why I mentioned it to Drakino.


Sure. I'd be really surprised if your porting it to the empeg had much if any effect on the signal handlling.

For the non-unixy folks, SIGKILL is basically a bullet in the head of a process, and will make just about everthing (other than zombie threads -- so much for a coherent metaphor) go away RIGHT NOW. SIGTERM means "Shutdown gracefully, please, and make sure to clean up after yourself," which includes making sure all related threads stop cleanly too, and saying goodbye to all of the other processes it's talking to, like iTunes.
