I'm very suprised that the 30 second skip didn't work on yours. I thought that worked on every version of Tivo by any company. It's software based, after all, so it shouldn't matter who made it. Are you certain you did it correctly? I find that the best way to do it is to play a recorded video and then enter the keystrokes, so that when you press the "3-0" it doesn't start changing the channel.
I think the ReplayTV v Tivo arguments that are starting are a little misplaced. The heart of the problem here is that the program data that is supplied to Tivo isn't what was expected or wanted, so Tony had to work around it somehow.
Wish lists are more versatile than just looking for keywords. Filters like movies and or movies of a certain genera. I haven't looked recently but you should check the sports catagory to see if there is a Hockey filter.
I know about advanced filters, I was just offering an umbrella suggestion. Your method would also work, but it would still additionally record sports shows that mentioned hockey. It's a good suggestion though, as it is narrowing the field to only sports shows that mention hockey. But who knows, maybe you want to record The Mighty Ducks 4