- Do they play well through that emulator, or are they choppy and slow like most emulators?
- Do they take advantage of the 360's widescreen high def video output?
- Can they play online just like they would have on the original Xbox?

- The one game I have tried, Crimson Skies played very smoothly. In fact, it looks better to me, I think because the system is doing more anti aliasing to it then the XBox could do.

- It's not a widescreen game, but the XBox 360 is keeping my TV at the 720p resolution I set, and pillar boxing the game.

- Live support in the game worked fine, even to the point of showing the old XBox dashboard downloading screen when it grabbed a game update. Supplemental content also was downloaded and worked fine. Sadly when running an old game, the cool Live blade that pops up when pressing the X Logo key does nothing beyond allow you to shut down. With the 360 games, it allows you to see what friends are on, play custom music and a few other things.