More reasons not to ever buy a console -

  • I really dislike having to play them on a TV - I don't like the refresh rate or the resolution
  • Upgradeability is just sucky - you are tied in to vendor specifics, even assuming hardware is upgradeable, or else you have to go with unofficial 'mods'
  • I agree with the whole controller issue...maybe my hands are just the wrong size, but they are all too small!

1 - Doesn't the 360 do HDTV ???
2 - Upgrading in the first place is sucky, you have a peice of hardware that just works out of the box, no need to upgrade your GFX card just to play the latest game!
3 - X-Arcade controllers have an interface for just about every compter/console system on the market today, and I don't think you can call them small I find the keyboard tires my hands quickly, for game playing you can't beat a hand held controller that lets you move your arms and wrists.

I don't play games really, but when I do it has to be on a console. I keep my X-Box tucked away, and only bring it out when I'm in the mood. A PC is not for playing games on, plain and simple, sure people do, but a console does it better and with less setup stress.

I also find most modern games too involving, you have to play them for hours and hours, I like the older simper games, like pac-man. The ones you can have a quick go on, or play for hours and hours when the time is right. I think modern games get lost in snazzy graphics that add little to the gameplay or sell on pointless violence and gore.

This is why I have 75% of the components for my MAME box on my bedroom floor at the moment, Retro is the way to go for me. Until such a time I need a MCE extender

