Have you been running smartctl?

Yes I did run it on the drive that particular serial capture came from.

In the FAQ the disk builder instructions say when the wizard if finished start Hyperterminal. At what point is it finished, I tried to start the .ht profile as soon as it was finished 'Programming Flash (Kernal)' and Hyperterminal complains that another device is using the connection. I've also tried starting the profile as soon as the static logo appears on the screen & get the same response. I've never really seen the player reboot as it does while being regular mode is this normal?
At what point does the builder upgrade file release the connection so Hyperterminal can begin formatting?

Is there a better program to use besides Hyperterminal?
Edited-Is HyperAccess any better?

Edited by Snowshoe (01/02/2006 00:34)