The problems still continue though the frequency has slowed down somewhat. The computer was up a whole week and a half before it crashed and the automated script filling machine went down too. The regional vice president visited the store Thursday and I got to tell him that I didn't think enough was being done and it was dragging on forever. When the district manager explained to him how much sales the store has lost and how many pharmacy customers have transferred to other stores, he listened. A generator has now been ordered for the store to run the office and pharmacy equipment for 30 days, if the store remains stable then the local power company will be held accountable, and if it continues to crash, the whole store will be rewired. I also have a technician from the company's main equipment depot in PA coming Tuesday to spend 4 days in the store to give me a break and see if he can find something that has been missed.

MKI #017/90
