Well the reason I say it was a rushed hack is because they modified XP's boot loader to get it working specificially for the contest, instead of taking the more general route that BamBIOS is. BamBios is trying to get any legacy OS running without hacks to the OS directly. They have non EFI versions of Linux working now and are adding what is needed for Windows of any version to work as well. In the long run, I think that solution will be much more flexable. I'm still glad to see the XoM solution work so well though. Now that the contest is over, they can throw the project on Sourceforge and have even more people working on it.

Firewire works with no additional drivers. XP sees it and works with it just fine, and it was how I got files into the XP side post install. Ethernet and Wireless also work fine as long as you load the drivers from here. The keyboard does not light up, nor does the brightness controls for the display work. It will simply stay at the brightness level OS X last set it to.