c0c00000: wrote ffffffff, read e91ba9f0

It's just checking to see if you've installed any addtional RAM modules. You probably haven't, and that "error" is nothing to worry about.

The DC mode thing is the problem. You've either forced it into DC mode from Hijack or the sensor is broken. Hopefully it's the former. Go into the Hijack menu (hold down the knob) and go to the "Force AC/DC" option. (I think that's what it's named -- something like that, anyway.)

Also, is the serial port you're using a USB serial dongle? If so, I've had trouble using them to do upgrades.

Edit: Actually, I see that it says "On DC power" at the top. That means that, assuming you've got a barrel connector in the power jack on the back of the empeg, your sensor is broken.

Edited by wfaulk (02/06/2006 18:44)
Bitt Faulk