In Antwort auf:

It's just checking to see if you've installed any addtional RAM modules. You probably haven't, and that "error" is nothing to worry about.

ok, that's great

Well, I had this hijack option set and I noticed a short message from hijack during boot-process that it is forcing dc mode... I guess I played around with the option once I was waiting in a traffic jam .

But after I disabled it and the two menu options remained appearing in the menu, I then noticed the message that it is in the DC mode.

I have tried three different native unemulated serial ports. Two from different laptops and one from a regular desktop. Well, after the third pc I stopped thinking about serial port problems on the computers side.

After checking the bbs, I came to the conclusion that the power jack error recently hit me.
But I read more possible solutions for this kind of error than this power jack thing.... I read about faulty soldering joints, capacitors and other electronical pieces... so I don't want to start soldering several parts of the motherboard until I have found the disturbing part....

I don't know what I can check now... and I hope for your help

I think that the boot-log is a bit short, isn't it? I miss messages about ethernet interface coming up....