Demos are a pain aren't they?

Do you have a link to the "Systm" podcast? I havn't seen the torrent thing, I'd be interested to verify that. EDIT: I just found the show in Replay AV's program guilde and clicked the "Download" link. Next thing I knew, Bittorrent was starting up. Odd. That's the only time I've seen that. For me, it just opened the torrent link externally.
I know there are a ton of free Podcast programs out there that you could point to the same download folder if this one ends up not being a great podcast client. What I like about it is that it can litterally change any streaming radio station program into a virtual podcast.
I have NOT tried installing the program on more than one PC. If I did, I doubt they'd know because I use a gateway via my router. All PCs would show up as the same IP address. I kinda forget how the "upgrade" to AV happened... whether I had a key to plug in or if I was emailed a certain link. One thing you could do is use one location for all of your recording and then setup an FTP client on that PC for remotely accessing it. Granted, some of these files get large if you don't chop them up, but it would work. Their tech and sales support has been cool enough to the point where I'd be surprised if they didn't work with you.