
Oh.. which one was yours then?

Rob (Noah BBS 2:252/106)

Oh cool. My foray into running a BBS didn't last long!!! I had help from olly tseliki (sp?) trying to get it all working, I can't remember the name of his bbs now though.

In the end I think I just used to to test stuff that I'd written to make sure it worked correctly on one of the BBS's we used to have our own area on (demo group!) - but can't remember the name of that BBS now though!

So you owned/ran noah then? That's pretty cool, I used to use that occasionally I think! The BBS I used to use most was TWoC.

When I saw that the MK1 used a strong-arm the first thing I kind of wondered is "I wonder what Hugo Fiennes is upto now?", wasn't until a couple of years later that I found this place (after lusting after the empeg for that time) that I realised hugo was behind the empeg!

Think I sent a message to him and he said that he should resurrect TWoC because it was still on one of his machines!
