I'm always interested in seeing source code from that era, it was where I learnt to program, it's always "home" for me and I've got a massive soft spot for it!

Hugo's "demo" code must have been responsible for launching more than a few software writing careers! The serious apps he knocked out inspired me to learn C and get more involved in software development. Years later he was also kind of responsible for getting me out of software development. I'm not sure which one to thank him for!

I'd love to see the source behind some of his commercial projects - barring of course if the rights were sold on, commercial sensitivity (can't imagine a whole lot now!) and Hugo's good will - and of course if he still has it!

Dave & Dave were given the ArcBBS source and continued to maintain it when Hugo packed it in.

I'm not exgagerting when I say Hugo was somewhat of an Archimedes god!

Acorn god, empeg god, Rio god - and soon Apple god maybe? How much divinity can fit in one small person?

Probably the most exciting time I've ever had in computing!

Me too, it's all down hill from there, eh?
