Wow. I thought your name was familier, but I never quite picked up on it! Just logged onto Arcade, I remember the login screen well now, couldn't remember my old ID number though so just created a new account for nostalgia, now I remember what ArcBBS looked like!!!

Out of interest, what happened to the serial port? What happened to all the software that Hugo put out, was it sold onto other companies or did Hugo just forget about it?

I'm always interested in seeing source code from that era, it was where I learnt to program, it's always "home" for me and I've got a massive soft spot for it!

I remember hugo giving me the source code to demo II to demo V (he'd lost the source to demo I!) and that was kind of interesting to look at, I'd love to see the source behind some of his commercial projects - barring of course if the rights were sold on, commercial sensitivity (can't imagine a whole lot now!) and Hugo's good will - and of course if he still has it! (we lost the source code to our first cad program here at work - although people still phone up because they're using it!). I'm not exgagerting when I say Hugo was somewhat of an Archimedes god!

Probably the most exciting time I've ever had in computing!