I run my 21" CRT monitor at 1600x1200 and even run my laptop that way. I've skimmed over specs for a lof of LCD monitors and they seem to not support such a high res.. Am I reading the specs wrong? If my notebook's 17" LCD screen can do 1600x1200 why can't a more expensive LCD monitor do it?

20in LCDs tend to do 1600x1200. I'm in the same boat as you, except that I run at 1920x1440 and really only the giant 30in LCDs can match that.

The only thing I don't like about widescreens is that they'd push all the stuff on my desk over the edge and onto the floor!

It depends what you use the monitor for; for any given diagonal (say, 20in) a widescreen gives you less area than 4:3. Widescreens are mainly useful for games or video, where you're inherently dealing with landscape imagery, but then that is a big part of the market. For software development more lines of code is better than longer lines of code, so if I had to have a widescreen I'd probably use it portrait.
