In which way is what one calls "self censorship" different than "freely deciding what to say"?
I agree completely, obviously. I used the term because it was brought up several times in the thread on that site, and even referenced as as a Wikipedia entry.

The way the thread actually went was something like:

poster 1: Censorship is bad!
poster 2: This isn't censorship, learn your definitions poster 1
poster 3: It IS censorship, It is self-censorship- look at the wikipedia entry on the subject

I'd never heard of "self-censorship" before today, and the idea interested me because I don't view "censorship" as something you can do to yourself. But rather than engage this point in an obviously charged and somewhat immature thread, I wanted to see what mature people who I respect, and who often have different opinions on these things than myself, thought.

If you can freely decide what to say, that means you can freely decide what not to say. It seem to me that te definition of "self censoship", because of that "self", simply overlaps with the definition of "freedom of speech".
Exactly. It seems to me, then, if he changed the name back due to the outcry of the public, he'd be committing every bit as much of a "crime" as the change in the first place (which is to say, none at all really ).

Edited by JeffS (26/02/2007 16:27)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.