I've always felt like self-censorship is not a bad thing, however

Self-censorship is fine. It's a personal decision. I might try to avoid saying f*ck in front of children, or my father-in-law. A TV station might avoid showing nipples before 9pm.

In both cases, it's our decision -- I'm doing it not to offend people (the kids' parents, the father-in-law), because there might be repercussions. The TV station's normally doing it in order to avoid losing advertising revenue.

As an aside (and let's not go there again) I disagree with the whole Janet Jackson/nipple/FCC thing, because that's not self-censorship. If the TV station decides to censor something, if they're doing it because of possible censure by the FCC, that's a bit of a grey area for me. There's a US/UK cultural division going on there, though.

TheDailyWTF.com just changed its name to WorseThanFailure.com.

I read that announcement, and it came across more as embarrassment about having to explain to his grandmother what it stood for.

If it was me, I'd simply have said "The Daily What-the-F", and grandma would be smart enough to work out what I meant without me saying it. Of course, my grandma wouldn't be so offended.

As someone else said: his ball, his rules (or something like that).

I did once attempt (in an ATL mailing list discussion) to put my vote for having either Attila or WTL (I don't remember which) named the Windows Template Framework, but it never happened.
-- roger