The usual story: "Ask Uncle Google" isn't helping me, and Apple's online help is coming up zilch, so let's ask the EmpegBBS braintrust!

My Mac Mini is plugged in to a Polariod FLM-3201 television set via a DVI connection.
Well, that's the way it used to be. But now I'm betatesting Nong's New Toy via a DVI connection. Since my TV set has only the one DVI input, I sweetalked Nong into loaning me a DVI switch box for the duration of the beta test.
I've verified that this isn't related to Nong's New Toy by unplugging it for the following repro steps. It is related to either the switch box and/or disconnecting the Mac Mini from the DVI connection. Anyone else seen this, anyone seen solutions? One guy on the forum for Nong's New Toy has seen this on his macbook pro when plugged into an external monitor. Here is the deal:
- Mac Mini plugged into TV set via the DVI switch box.
- Mac Mini set to go into sleep mode after X minutes/hours/whatever.
- Log out of Mac Mini so that it's sitting back at the login screen (can also leave at main desktop, same result).
- Switch the switchbox over to the other input (the one that is NOT the mac mini, in this case there is nothing else plugged into this other input, just to be sure).
- Wait X + 1 minute. Mac goes into sleep mode. Front panel light changes from steady to pulsing.
- Switch the switchbox back to the Mac Mini's input.
- Wake up the Mac Mini by moving the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard.
Result: Screen is a checkerboard of corrupted graphics, and/or staticy random pixels. You can still see the original screen through the corruption. Video driver appears to be completely crashed. Mouse actions do nothing on the screen. Keyboard works, but you can't see the results of things you type, screen is completely frozen. You can see the mouse pointer move (because I'm pretty sure on the Mac the mouse pointer is handled by low level hardware), but it doesn't do anything.
The guy who said he saw this on his powerbook said it only happened to the *external* display, and his built-in screen was fine, so he could simply do a "redetect displays" and that'd fix it. Me, I'm on a mac mini with only the one display (the corrupted one), so my only recourse is a full reboot.
Anyone else seen similar, or know of a good work-around?
(Work arounds I have already rejected for unrelated reasons: Do not put mac into sleep mode at all, do not log out of mac when leaving it alone thus allowing possible keyboard command to redetect displays.)