I have a question for everyone:


Here's what I've gotten from what they've explained about her character so far:

- she used to have a [twin?] sister, Jessica, who was sexually abused by their father
- Jessica died (as a result of the abuse?)
- at some point, Jessica became part of Niki

So my question is basically "what is the power that Niki and Jessica have?" Jessica apparently has super strength, but how does the multiple personality thing factor in? Is the whole mirror thing all in their mind, or is that part of Niki and/or Jessica's power?

Or do we just not know all there is about "them" yet?


Remembering Bruno's comments about the Wikipedia Heroes articles (there's a lot up there), I checked her character bio out. I'm still a little confused, though. The opening to the article seems to indicate that Niki also has super strength when her personality is active. Does anyone remember when this happened? As far as I can tell, the super strength has only been apparent when Jessica is in control, which seems to be what is stated later on in the same bio in the powers section.

After thinking about this for a while, I think that understanding the Niki/Jessica character entirely depends on whether we know that the split personality is all a psychological issue, or something more. If it's the former, then I think it's pretty clear that the whole character that is Niki has super strength. If it's the latter, I'm not so sure...

I seem to remember a scene where Nikki was being restrained by security, while in the psychiatric ward, and one of the guards swung his club at her. She caught the club and snapped it in half, looking shocked after she realized what she had just done.