The finale was pretty good

I completely disagree. The ending was totally lame. They could still redeem it in future episodes by making it be a false ending. That is, they blow up New York sometime in the future. But the entire thing that they've been leading up to did not occur, nor was it interestingly resolved.

I don't buy that Peter needed Nathan to fly him away at all. If it is the case that he can only use one power at once, that was never implied at any other point. And I'm not saying that they had to spell it out for us, but there has to be some implication. Given, as far as I can recall, Peter's never used two powers at once, but it's not like he's been in a situation where two powers at the same time would have been useful. Also, if he was too weak to use them, which I could buy, it would have been nice to see him at least try. Hell, that would have been a reasonable demonstration of the lack of simultaneous powers, too.

I found it odd that Peter's earlier vision of himself exploding didn't match the actual event much at all, but I suppose you can chalk that up to his visions being impressionistic. Still, it would have been nice to have seen that demonstrated, too.

As it stands right now, it does seem that the future episode has been made irrelevant. The only important thing is that Hiro went back in time to tell Peter what to do. But the whole point of us seeing the future was rendered moot. Again, at least apparently, from our current viewpoint. It would be far more interesting to have those actions in that episode be meaningful, and I'm not convinced they won't be, but this episode left me cold.

Ando's character needed far more of a conclusion. I suppose it's possible that we'll get back to him, but somehow I doubt it.

Richard Roundtree being part of the Linderman/Petrelli cabal is an interesting revelation. I always thought it was odd that they used him for such a small role. I wonder what his power will turn out to be. Do you think that Peter instinctively used Hiro's power to transport himself back in time? (Peter still seemed to physically exist in NY, though, so probably not.) Or was it a vision? Or is communicating with the future Richard Roundtree's power?

Anyway, I'm not irritated with the show enough to stop watching it, but I do think the finale was seriously lame. I wouldn't be surprised if next season fails to premiere to good ratings.
Bitt Faulk