In my experience, every device has had a hideous interface, is slower than my old 200MHz PC, and doesn't actually do the streaming well at all. Then there's codec issues, bad remotes, and poor product designs. A great summary of my experience: there hasn't been a single streaming media player that I've tried that will cache. They all load songs as they're played, and once one song is over, you have to wait 4-6 seconds until the next one loads. Even worse, some of these units will "correct" this problem by picking up with the music where it should have been if the transition were gapless, so I ended up not hearing the first 4 seconds of every song!

That's rubbish. Rio Receiver was doing better than that seven years ago. Surely it's not rocket-science to make a proper one of these? I wonder if the Netgear or Kiss (now Linksys) one is any good. Or perhaps they should have dirty animal sex and spawn an offspring with the combined feature set (FLAC, DVD) of both.
