The other thread may not have received replies because everyone concurred.

I think $10 is too expensive for a handful of MP3 files. I'd still have a problem at $5 except for an album here or there to tell you the truth. Currently I'll buy a new release very infrequently and if I want it bad enough will pay the local store prices ($16-18 Canadian - which is like $50 US right now

For everything else however, I search eBay and try to buy as many discs from individual sellers as possible, allowing the combining of shipping and averaging down of total costs. The goal is trying to keep each disc under $5 when all is said and done.
Ripping yourself can be a hassle but I have the satisfaction of knowing I'm able to do it again should the need arise. Album artwork gets put into every track via iTunes (their store's selection is very good) or cut and pasted from Rate Your If artwork isn't available or of high enough quality, I'll scan it myself from the CD cover - this increases the hassle factor significantly of course.