Originally Posted By: Archeon
Ok, so it looks this really is the best option then, especially for newbies. Would it be best to immediately install Kubuntu, or would installingt the regular Ubuntu distro, and after that running the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop command be a better option? (or is this exactly the same in the end?)

Now there's a rather sage question!

If you want any of the GNOME stuff, then I have found it better to first install Ubuntu, and then do the "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" to get the KDE desktop afterwards.

I have had unexpected difficulties in the past when trying it the other way round, even though it is supposed to work either way.

On my own systems, I very much prefer KDE. But the Ubuntu GNOME desktop is quite a bit more polished, simply because Kubuntu has *one* developer, versus a much larger team devoted to Ubuntu, and many outside teams working on GNOME itself. Power of numbers.

Myself, I do first install Ubuntu, and then add the KDE stuff afterwards, as discussed above. So I can try out the Ubuntu stuff. Really, I might even be tempted to *use* Ubuntu, if their terminal window program wasn't so lame (KDE's Konsole is so much nicer in every way, and I live in terminal windows when working).
